Wednesday, April 29, 2020

leadership capabilities and training needs of CBEA organizational lead

CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the obtained numerical observations that were statistically analyzed and interpreted to answer the problems of the study. The communication contexts and level of students? communication apprehension are also discussed in this section. Perceived Communication Apprehension of Freshman Students In Various Communication Contexts The first problem of this study calls for the identification of communication contexts where students are apprehensive in interacting with others. There are four contexts of communication which were used as variables in this study these are group discussions, interpersonal conversations, meetings and public speaking. These were considered as such since these were the contexts involved in McCrosky?s (1974) Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA), the instrument that was used in this research. Table 1 shows the PRCA of respondents in various contexts. The table reveals that COE students have a PRCA score of 19 which means that the respondents have some degree of apprehension in involving themselves in the context of public speaking. This signifies students? anxiety in talking to their fellow communicators in front of a crowd. Meanwhile, COE students are not apprehensive when they are in meetings (18), group discussions (17) and interpersonal conversations (18). This result corroborated the findings of Krannich (2004) who found out that the fear